报告(一):Riemann Hypothesis & Uniqueness
报告人:扈培础 教授(山东大学)
报告时间:2022年12月21日 9:00-10:00
报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:151-266-979,会议密码:202212
报告摘要:To prove the Riemann hypothesis, we now only need to prove that ζ(s) = η(s), from which the uniqueness problem arises. Note
that the function η is a meromorphic function that satisfies the following im portant properties:
(i) η and ζ satisfy the same functional equation;
(ii) the zero set of η is a subset of the zero set of ζ counting multiplicities, i.e., Z(η) ⊆ Z(ζ) with counting multiplicities.
Thus, we naturally ask the following uniqueness problem:
Let f be a meromorphic function in the complex plane such that f and ζ satisfy the same functional equation and Z(f) ⊆ Z(ζ) (counting multiplicities). Under what conditions are f and ζ identically equal?
报告(二):Value distribution theory and Diophantine approximation
报告人:扈培础 教授(山东大学)
报告时间:2022年12月21日 10:10-11:10
报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:151-266-979,会议密码:202212
报告摘要:In this talk, we will introduce some problems and results between Diophantine approximation and value distribution theory, say, Mason’s theorem and abc-conjecture; generalized abc-conjecture and its analogue; Hall’s conjecture and Davenport’s inequality; generalized Hall’s conjecture and its analogue; Borel theorem and generalized Fermat conjecture; Nevanlinna’s second main theorem and Roth’s theorem; Cartan’s second main theorem and Schmidt’s subspace theorem; Shiffman-Ru’s second main theorem and Hu-Yang’s subspace theorem; conjectures of Griffiths and Lang and Vojta’s conjecture; Picard’s theorem and Mordell-Faltings’ theorem; theorems of Kobayashi and Brody and Lang’s conjecture; Bloch-Green-Griffiths’ conjecture and Bombieri-Lang’s conjecture.
报告人简介:扈培础,男,1961年生,教授、博士生导师。1996年获香港科技大学博士学位,1998年博士后出站时破格受聘为山东大学教授,1999年被聘为博士生导师。山东省、中国、美国等数学会会员。分析应用和计算国际学会(ISAAC)终身会员,印度数学杂志JAA编委,p-Adic Numbers,Ultrametric Analysis,and Applications编委,Journal of Analysis and Applications编委,《山东大学学报(理学版)》编委,美国数学会《Math. Reviews》评论员,欧洲数学会《Zbl.Math.》评论员。